Delivery terms
All terms and conditions apply to Sømods Bolcher and its customers at
Shipping and delivery
On orders from, which are not collected in Nørregade 36B, an amount is required to cover delivery and handling costs. The amount will appear at the bottom of the invoice.
The item will be shipped with Post Nord. Delivery time normally is within 3 days in Denmark.
We ship to Denmark, EU, Switzerland, Norway, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Australia, USA and Canada.
If you wish to ship to countries other than those mentioned, please contact Sømods Bolcher via the contact form.
If you regret your purchase
You have 14 days to withdrawal when shopping at The right of cancellation starts on the day you received the item.
The right of cancellation can only be exercised, if the goods are returned in the same condition and quantity.
The right of cancellation therefore repeals if you use or ship the goods in a way that clearly reduces the value of the product significantly.
For the purchase of candies, the original packaging is always a significant part of the value of the product. The packaging must therefore always be returned to fulfil the conditions for exercising the right of cancellation.
If you regret the purchase, the goods must be sent to:
Sømods Bolcher
Nørregade 36B
1165 Copenhagen K
You can also undo the purchase by refusing to receive the item.
If you regret your purchase, you will of course get the amount you have originally paid back to us. The amount will be transferred to the card you have paid with or on your bank account once we have received the item back and checked that it meets the cancellation policy.
The only cost you have when you regret is the postage to send the item back to us. You must enclose a copy of the order confirmation. Note, We do not receive packages sent per COD.
Complaints must be made per. Email via the contact form.
Following the Buyer Act, there is 24 months' right of complaint. However, this is limited by the sale of food for the natural durability of the product. Sømod’s Bolcher sells only candies which is considered food.
Our candies must be stored as follows:
Dry and cool (about 15° Celsius). If the bag came with a desiccant bag, keep this in with the candies.
Should you experience any errors or defects with the candies you bought, please contact or phone +45 33 12 60 46.
Sømods Bolcher
Nørregade 36B
1165 Copenhagen K
Please state what the problem is as detailed as possible.
Sømods Bolcher is an E-marked online store, so you have always access to the E-branded Free Consumer Hotline when you buy from us. You can read more about the e-mark here. If you have sent an item for cancellation or complaint, you will always receive an email when we have received the item.
The email contains information about the ongoing process of handling your cancellation/complaint.
Information about complaints
A complaint about a product or service purchased from us may be submitted to the Competition and Consumer Agency Center for Complaints Solutions, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby.
You can appeal to the Center for Complaints Solutions via
The EU Commission's online complaint portal can also be used for lodging a complaint.
This is particularly relevant if you are a resident of another EU country. Complaints are submitted here:
When submitting a complaint, please enter our e-mail address
Prices and payment
The price will always be shown on the customer's order confirmation and invoice, including the VAT share.
All prices are incl. VAT and other taxes. Prices are daily prices.
When you trade with Sømods Bolcher, agreements are entered in Danish.
If you wish to receive a copy of your order confirmation, you can log in to your page on our website or send an email to
For purchases at Sømods Bolcher, the amount will be deducted from the payment card on the day of shipping. We can never withdraw a larger amount than you have approved at the time of purchase.
At you can pay with:
America Express
There is no fee for payment at